Thursday 5 May 2011

X rated your a causality

X rated your a causality - Psyche

The themes surrounding this shoot are being a causality to yourself, and here it's through plastic surgery. People have these operations to alter parts of their body they don't like and the pain they must endure is immense. Other people have this surgery for reason beyond vanity, some people need this for example if injured in a crash or in a war. This shoot looks at the Hollywood glamour side of things, it's the fact that to begin with, many famous celebrities or known people would hide the fact they had any work done. Now things have changed and more and more people admit to having it done. It's seen as a norm now. This shoot has a mixture of glamour and pain.

The shoot is really about have insecurities, and trying to change these through your looks. The fact is that sometimes you can't change how you feel about yourself, and here is the model really in pain because of the procedure, or is the model is dealing with inner pain, something that no instrument can heal.

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