Sunday 2 March 2014

A Fashion Week Journal: Breath 1, 2, 3

A Fashion Week Journal: Breath 1, 2, 3

Upon arriving in Paris last season we had about an hour of free time in the morning so I decided to visit Notre Dame just because I wanted to!  It was at this point when I noticed I've been to more cathedrals than shows this season which I found quite amusing.  The queue to get into Notre Dame is always huge so I decided to just pretend to be part of a tour guide and it worked quite well!  I love stain glass windows and my family holidays always ended up in visiting a place with this feature and what a feature it is.  It always reminds me of the first scene in Beauty and the Beast and I think they are just beautiful!  I ended up having the complete wrong lens with me so everything was super zoomed in and somehow I manged to fit this window in the frame.  This post is really just to serve as a breather as this is normally when you need one.  With 3 cities down and just Paris to go the light at the end of the tunnel is there and you slowly approach it.

It's extremely important to take time to reflect on your past present and future and at times we can forget this and miss out on life.

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